Author |
Title of Presentation |
Country |
Jac, M |
0650 Relation Between
Pineal Melatonin and the Intrinsic SCN Rhythmicity |
Czech Republic |
Jacobs, BL |
0345 VTA DA
Neuronal Activity: Responses to Appetitive and Salient Nonappetitive Stimuli |
Jacobs, RE |
0590 Micromagnetic
Resonance Imaging Of The Aged Mouse Lemur Brain: In Vivo Detection Of Iron Levels In Basal
Forebrain Cholinergic Structures |
Jaffrey, SR |
0890 Targetting of
Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase to the Cytosol and the Synapse by a Novel Adapter Protein,
Janssen, L |
0113 Ascorbic Acid
Transport in Pig Coronary Artery Smooth Muscle |
Canada |
Jelinski, SE |
0439 Differences
In The Management Of Oxidative Stress Amongst Neural Cell Types |
Canada |
Jin, WQ |
0190 Effects of Rotundine
on Morphine Tolerance and Dependence |
China |
John D. Denstedt, MD |
0268 Global Hybrid
Media Learning Programs for Urologists |
Canada |
Johns, L |
0339 Spasmogens and
Cerebral Vasopasm |
Johnson, RA |
0831 Endothelial-Dependent and -Independent Actions of Heme
and Carbon Monoxide on Vascular Tone |
Brazil |
Johnson, TE |
0498 Genetic
Manipulation of Longevity in C. elegans Through Increased Response to Stress |
Jonas, JB |
0244 Differences in
Parapapillary Atrophy Between the Primary Open-angle Glaucomas |
Germany |
Jonas, JB |
0257 Location of Central
Retinal Vessel Trunk Exit and Parapapillary Atrophy |
Germany |
Jonathan D. Sherman, MD |
0594 The Role of
Endothelin-1 in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage-Induced Vasospasm |
Jones, BE |
0891 Why and How Is the
Basal Forebrain Important for Modulating Cortical Activity across the Sleep-Waking
Cycle? |
Canada |
Jones, T |
0827 The Effects Of
Behavioral Demand On Motor Cortical And Cerebellar Structural Plasticity After Brain Injury In
Adult Rats |
Jordon, A |
0439 Differences
In The Management Of Oxidative Stress Amongst Neural Cell Types |
Canada |
Joshi, S |
0839 Modeling Brain
Arteriovenous Malformations: A Review |
Ju, H |
0471 Inhibitory
Interactions of G-protein-coupled Receptors with Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase. |
J�rgens, U |
0207 Localization of
a Pontine Vocalization-controlling Area in the Squirrel Monkey |
Germany |
Juurlink, BHJ |
0216 Principal
Mechanisms Involved in the Generation and Scavenging of Strong Oxidants |
Canada |
Juurlink, BHJ |
0439 Differences
In The Management Of Oxidative Stress Amongst Neural Cell Types |
Canada |
Juurlink, BHJ |
0562 Comparison Of
Two Methods To Determine Reduced-Glutathione (GSH) Content In Rat Liver |
Canada |
Juurlink, BHJ |
0759 Combined Effects
of Macrophage Enrichment and Addition of Menadione on Myelinating Rat Spinal Cord
Aggregate Cultures. |
Canada |