Ideas Considered for Future Implementation
Have any thoughts to contribute to any of the below ideas? conctact us at, and provide us with the "Idea Name" in the subject box, your contact information, and any additional thoughts you may have to contribute to the idea.
Last updated: February, 2014
Idea |
Response Summary |
Outdoor Smoke Free Areas:
- Designate smoke free areas around campus to facilitate a smoke free environment
- Emphases on areas close to facility buildings and sitting areas to be sectioned off as smoke free
- Promotes healthy society
- Discussion with MSU
- Contact has been made with Facility Services, EOHSS and Sustainability.
Integration of Email, Calendar, and Project Management Software: Implementation of new software program for staff that includes:
- Individial and shared calendar
- Task list
- Document sharing
- Easier search
- Project management client
- Responsive Design (compatible to all screen types - smart phone, tablet, desktop)
For the Love of Learning:
- "No Grade" feature added to certain courses (Pass/Fail)
- Does not contribute to cumulative average
- Take courses of interest, while focusing efforts on on core courses
- No fear of exploring other areas of learning (increased inclusive learning)
- In discussion. Contact has been made with Provost.
College Point: Inter residence portal that McMaster students can use to meet each other and talk to each other without the need for superficial regards.
- In discussion. Contact has been made with Human Resources.
McMaster Communications Network: Create an online network to allow individuals of various units and departments around the university to post and communicate what they are working on. This will create opportunity for new connections to be made.
- In discussion. Contact has been made with Human Resources.
Exam Schedule Optimization: Reorganize exam schedules so that all 2 hour exams are written at the same time as other 2 hour exams, instead of with 3 hour exam - More exams in less time (i.e. One could schedule 3 exams in a 6 hour period rather than just 2).
- Contact has been made with Office of the Registrar and Scheduling and Examination Services
McMaster's Research History Retention:
- Records retention and management of research projects documentation (storing and archiving system renewal)
- Develop a comprehensive records retention policy.
- A central onsite repository
- In discussion. Contact has been made with Research Services to validate this idea.
Central Location for Class E-resources: Common repository for all class resources (ie. Avenue to Learn), and not distributed throughout instructor created sites.
- In discussion with The McMaster Institute for Innovation and Excellence in Teaching and Learning (MIIETL) team.
Reality Plus Tour of McMaster University: Create a series of virtual tours of McMaster - real time layered experience
- Contact has been made with Associate Vice-President (Students & Learning) and Dean of Students.
- Technology is still in its nascent stages at the University, and because ongoing staff management and development of the application may be relatively labor intensive, the timing may not be ideal to pursue it.
- May be addressed over the next 2-3 years.
Online Room Booking Simplification: Consolidation of room and space information across the Universit electronically, and the ability to bookt areas and time slots easily.
- Rooms at McMaster are controlled by a number of different parties, managed in different ways using different systems. Due to the decentralized control of room assets, it would require significant effort to bring all these into one system.
- However, given the limited availability of resources, these project will not be possible until after the 2015 launch of Mosaic.
Research Recruitment Bulletin Boards:
- Dedicated bulletin boards for Research Recruitment Posters (additional to the regular bulletin boards)
- Provide designated areas for members of the community to go to be notified of up coming research recruitments opportunities.
- Opportunity to increase participation and provide more research opportunities for the researchers.
- In discussion. Contact has been made with Health Research & ROADS.
"Full" Parking Lot Signs: Addition of an electronic available parking sign prior to ticket dispenser of each parking lot.
- Having redone the parking lots not to long ago to facilitate a better flow of parking/traffic around campus, it was decided to place the "lot full/open" signs where they can been seen from more than one direction prior to pulling up to the entry gate.
- On file for future parking lot construction.
Glass Doors in Gilmour Hall: Placement of glass doors in the stairwell next to Graduate Studies Office, in Gilmour Hall, 2nd floor. This will create better visibility, and minimize collisions.
- Currently there has not been any incident reports which have identified this area as hazardous. This area will be monitored with special attention. Based on the findings, recommmendation for change will take place on a needed basis.
- In discussion. Contact has been made with Facility Services and EOHSS.
Immigration Consultant / Lawyer:
- Currently, immigration issues are handled by staff members in the office of the Provost for the university, and by staff in Faculty Relations for the Faculty of Health Sciences.
- Changes to Canadian Immigration law in 2013 have made it illegal for members of these offices to provide "advice" on immigration applications, and is restricted to certified consultants and immigration lawyers.
- Provide McMaster with an immigration consultant or lawyer to work with new recruits, and be responsible for all immigration issues related to recruiting foreign nationals (including the submission of labour market opinions from the University to Service Canada)
- In discussion. Contact has been made with Human Resources.
Quality Assurance in the Lab: A quality systems department related to lab equipment, quality control, expiry dates on reagents, SOPs, etc. would be a dramatic improvement on what is a haphazard "hit and miss" standard of quality that is currently associated with research labs. University Labs should include:
- Mandated QA system
- SOP development
- Forms filled out appropriately (ex. temperature monitoring), replaced and documented
- Increase compliance/education on assurance of quality
- Additional personnel that could work in conjunction with the Health and Safety department
- On hold following the implementation of the next budget model (Fall 2014)
Establishment of a Project Management Office at McMaster University: Establishment of a Project Management Office (PMO) at McMaster University to support research and other project ventures, would improve success rate (on time/on budget, fulfilling stakeholder expectations), costs of and frequency of project failure would be reduced, and the quality of project work would be significantly enhanced.
- In discussion. Contact has been made with Research Services to validate this idea.
McMaster FORMS weblink: Locating forms on the McMaster website is very difficult. Duplicates are also posted, and it is unknown if it is the most current version of the form. Suggested that a Central Depository be created on the McMaster website for all Most Current, Accepted, Standard Forms, where staff can easily access them.
- In discussion. Idea submission forwarded to Mosaic to determine if part of or outcome of project.
- Recognizing Mosaic implementation will change forms and processes.
Letter of Reference Templates: Most professors write tens to hundreds of reference letters each year. Streamlining the process and programming it into the MOSAIC services would save time for faculty and students through creating a Standard McMaster Reference Letter Format and process for requesting these letters. |
- Currently an analysis is underway of how other Canadian universities approach this issue. An evaluations of options available to McMaster will be undertaken once the summary of practices at other universities is complete.
Travel Hotline: allow for someone to be available at a pre-determined time (ex. 1 hour, twice a week), to answer questions related to Travel. |
- ASK McMaster: If in the event the answer to your question it not provided, there is the option to send an email explaining in detail what information was trying to be obtained. On a monthly basis, members from each department review the submitted emails, and update the answer repository accordingly
- Send out a reminder of Ask McMaster services
- A period of roughly two months following every launch period will be available, they will have extra support to handle the initial surge as employees adopt the new system. After that it will scale back to a sustainment level.
- A call "Help Line" planned to be developed by Dec 2013 by the Mosaic Change Management Team (Training scheduled to begin in Fall 2013).
Help Budgets and the Environment Collection of unused office supplies and equipment. The materials could then either: be held in a "free store" for departments to access and pick up free materials, or donated to organizations such as the Habitat for Humanities ReStore.
Currently McMaster hosts a BSM Auction site, where it involves the collection/repurposing of no longer needed office supplies, equipment and materials. To add to this service, we propose the following possible next steps:
- Develop a list of organizations(i.e. Habitat for Humanities, Salvation Army, etc.) that would be interested in receiving these materials. List would include organization, description of their ongoing needs, contact information so University department can contact them directly
- Discussions occuring with Financial Affairs and Strategic Procurement to include other organizations into the auction site
- Promote auction site use and current update of the site.
Updates made:
Fundraising and Philanthropy: Best Practices PhD Program: Creating a Program for students, faculty and departments on best practices in fundraising and philanthropy
- Utilize supervisors from all faculties, all departments and administration, to study non-profit fundraising.
- This is not a program currently taught at a high level in Canada, meaning that McMaster would be able to compete at an international level immediately.
- Principles used can be used in future fundraising and grant application campaigns
- Academic Administration facilitating connection with Graduate Studies for review of this idea. Also shared with CCE.
- Not a program to be considered by CCE.
Wireless/Mobile Printing: "cloud based" printing, allowing individuals to print documents from mobile phones, personal computers, on and off campus.
- McMaster's current printing system (Equitrac) is limited.
- A new fleet proposal for McMaster will be considered over the next year, where this kind of functionality (and many others) would be evaluated.