Past Events

The Anti-Violence Network of McMaster Presents: Mac Supports Take Back the Night
Wednesday, September 11th, 2013
11am - 2pm FREE Cotton Candy & Info Booths in the McMaster Student Union Centre (MUSC) Atrium. All are welcome!
1:30 - 3:30pm Workshop: "Interrupting Rape Culture" in Convocation Hall (University Hall 2nd Floor)
- Learn about the systemic causes of violence against women and learn how to FIGHT BACK against rape culture! Discuss how the examples that we hear in the media aren't isolated cases, but instead point to a culture that says it's okay for women to be shamed, harmed, assaulted and blamed experience violence, and be victim-blamed.
- The workshop will be facilitated by the IT'S TIME to End Violence Against Women on Campus project and feature panelists from Hollaback! Hamilton, the White Ribbon Campaign and Draw-the-Line.
- Workshop space is limited! Please REGISTER for the workshop by emailing Catherine Oakleaf, or call 905 525 9140 x20330. Please contact Catherine for information about the accessible entrance to Convocation Hall.
- All genders welcome!

Aboriginal Women, Violence and Poverty:
Current Conditions and Building Solutions
presentation by Linda Ense, Native Women's Centre of Hamilton.
Date: January 23, 12:30-1:25
Place: Health Sciences room 1A5

Friday, March 5th to Friday, March 12th, 2010
International Women's Day 2010
@ McMaster University
Monday, March 8th:
Stephen Lewis "Gender Equality: The Single Most Important Struggle on the Planet." Public Talk. 1:00-2:30 PM Convocation Hall, 2nd Floor (Images from Event)
Deborah Ellis "Women and Hope Around the World." Public Talk. 7:00-9:00 PM Council Chambers, Room 111. Gilmour Hall.
@ Hamilton Community
December 6th, 2009 (Sunday): 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
20th Anniversary of the “Montreal Massacre”
Sponsored by the Women’s Centre of Hamilton
Workers Arts and Heritage Centre
51 Stuart Street West
Hamilton, ON
For more information, contact:
The Women’s Centre of Hamilton
905- 522-0127
December 4th, 2009 (Friday)
McMaster Commemorates the 20th Anniversary of the “Montreal Massacre”
11am – 12noon, CIBC Hall, 315 MUSC (Student Centre)
Public Talk –
“From the Montreal Massacre to Sisters in Spirit: The Complexities of
Violence and Death in the Lives of Women”,
Bonnie Freeman and Amber Dean
12:30 – 1:30pm, Gilmour Hall, Room 111
Commemorative Program
McMaster University • 1280 Main Street West • Hamilton, Ontario
Co-Sponsored by the Anti-Violence Network and the Women’s Studies Program, McMaster University
Everyone Welcome!
Tuesday, November 24th, 2009: 5:30-7:30PM
The Cultural Memory Project
Co-Sponsored by the Anti-Violence Network and the Women’s Studies Program, McMaster University
Join Dr, Christine Bold, Professor of English, University of Guelph, and author of
“Remembering Women Murdered by Men: Memorials across Canada”.
Jodie McConnell, Human Rights & Equality Advisor, Toronto.
Council Chambers, Room 111
Gilmour Hall
McMaster University Campus
November 16th (Monday), 2009: 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.
Men Against Violence Against Women Panel Discussion
With representatives from McMaster University and Hamilton as they discuss how men can work to stop violence against women.
Awareness Project of the Social Change, Social Movements and Advocacy Class
Council Chambers, Room 211
Gilmour Hall, McMaster University Campus
Further Details
November 5th (Thursday), 2009, 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
When Drugs Are Used To Rape: What You Need To Know
With representatives from:
· Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Care Centre, Hamilton Health Sciences
· Hamilton Police Services
· McMaster Security Services
· McMaster Emergency First Response Team (EFRT)
MUSC (Student Centre), Room 318, 3rd Floor
McMaster University Campus
October 27, 2009 (Tuesday); 12:30 to 2:00 pm
"Art or Offense: What Do You Think?
'Why do some men think it's ok to pee into a woman's mouth?"
A Panel Discussion to Educate, Inform and Mobilize
Susan Clairmont, Columnist, The Hamilton Spectator
Lenore Lukasik-Foss, Sexual Assault Centre (Hamilton and Area)
Medora Uppal, Good Shepherd Centre Women’s Services
Togo Salmon Hall (TSH), Room 719
Building 29 on Campus Map
For more information, please see the attached poster.
October 20th, 2009
Wendo Self-Defence for Women
Tuesday, Oct. 20th to Nov. 10th. 5:30-9:00 PM
David Braeley Athletic Centre, Activity Centre.
Contact and Registration Information.
October 3rd (Saturday), 10AM to 3PM, 2009
17th Annual Mahatma Ghandi Peace
Festival & Peace Walk
Peace Walk, McMaster Downtown Centre, 50 Main
There is much more. For Details, see the poster and the Press Release.
September 24th: 10 am - 2 p.m., 2009
Hamilton's Take Back the Night
Join the AVN at the Student
Centre’s Marketplace to raise awareness about violence against women
and children. Sign a banner that will be carried in Hamilton's Take Back
the Night walk on September 24th, McMaster University – Downtown
Centre, 50 Main Street East (at John St.). Rally starts at 6:30 pm. All
Women/Trans Women & Children welcome! Men’s discussion group
at 7:00 p.m. at the Skydragon Centre, 27 King William Street, Hamilton.
For further information, contact 905 525-4573 (Sexual Assault Centre,
Hamilton & Area).
Bring a re-cyclable bag for Living Rock's Food Bank. The Rock provides
services for youth at risk.
Meet volunteers with the McMaster Poverty Initiative and take the "Do
the Math" survey. Two of the most impacted groups who live in poverty
are women and children. Could you live on the benefits provided by Ontario
Works or Disability Benefits? Do the Math and find out!
Monday, September 14th, 2009
Mac Supports Take Back the Night
Student Centre Marketplace, (sponsosred
by AVN)
Sunday, March 8th; Thursday, March 12th, 2009
International Womens' Day
Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009
Saying Goodbye to Hanna
Thursday, December 4th, 2008
Montreal Massacre: Commemorating
Violence Against All Women
Wednesday, October 29th, 2008
Cookies 'N Comfort (Brandon Hall)
Wednesday, January 16 2008
Lecture By Award Winning Author Lawrence Hill
In Anticipation Of Black History Month
Thursday, December 6 2007
National Day of Remembrance and Action
on Violence Against Women
Commemoration Service