What's #FlatMac?

And how do I participate in McMASTER UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION's #FlatMac Photo Challenge?

An awesome summer on your journey to McMaster is just a quick pic away with #FlatMac! Throughout the summer take pictures with your new best (cardboard) buddy, Flat Mac, and post them to Instagram with #FlatMac. The more items on the list you get, the better your chances of winning win one of two $500 gift cards to the Campus Store!


Just three easy steps

  1. Follow @mcmasteralumni1887 on Instagram
  2. Take pictures with FlatMac & post them to instagram using #FlatMac
    (Make sure to click Add to Photo Map & make your profile public)
  3. Try to get all five items on our checklist for a chance to win your textbooks!

The Checklist

1. With another animal
2. On a beach or by the pool
3. With a hometown landmark
4. Getting some school supplies
5. Packing for school

You & Flat Mac!

Welcome Week 2016

Learn everything you need to know about Welcome Week!

Marauder Paparazzi

Check out what your classmates and their Flat Macs have been up to this summer!

Print FlatMac

Did you not receive Flat Mac or did your Flat Mac get a boo boo? Download a copy and print your own!

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