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Radiologia Distribution Mailing List

Contact Person: F. Javier Rodriguez Recio (jrrecio@prmf.uva.es)

MAILING LISTS                              

A mailing list is a list of people’s names and addresses that is used to send certain messages or announcements to many people at the same time, who are usually expected to share a common interest in the contents of the message. However you can usually join and leave the list as you see fit, so there is a good chance that you will actually find at least some of the messages interesting. A mailing list is managed by a list owner (or sometimes several owners for large lists). 

The list owner is the person with formal responsibility for the operation of the list. The list owner defines the list's character and policy, i.e. what the list is about and what the general rules all subscribers must accept in order to be allowed to join the list are. The list owner is also responsible for all administrative matters and for answering questions from the list subscribers. 

It is not unusual to have several list owners spreading the work and responsibility among themselves. The messages sent to a mailing list may be saved in files known as list archives for future reference. These archives are owned by the list owner who sets the policy for their use.

 Moderate lists
Generally, the messages sent to a list are distributed to their members with the integral text. A moderate list is that in which all the messages are read or filtered by a person (owner or editor), who is entrusted with checking them before sending them. The main advantage of a moderate list is that only the interesting messages are received (in the opinion of some). Many lists which are not moderate have a lot of boring and redundant messages, that the users will have to ford to find the real jewels. The main disadvantage of a moderate list is that its maintenance generates a lot of work. Furthermore, the only compensation that the moderators receive is the feeling of gratitude of those that help their companions. (For this motive most of the mailing lists are not moderate.)

 Lists Peered
A list peered is the one which runs in parallel in multiple machines. The purpose is to share the users load and to enhance the performance. A message sent to a list peered is propagated to the other lists peered.

 Owner of list and manager of LISTSERV
The owner of a list is the responsible person for the list and he does not need data processing knowledge, he must only know electronic mail managing.

 The manager of the LISTSERV is the technician in charge of the management of the LISTSERV sofware. He is entrusted with creating new lists and he is responsible for the good operation of all the lists located in the LISTSERV schemes.

 The owners must be coordinated by the manager of the LISTSERV. The responsibilities of the list owner are quite basic such as: check bad addresses, to warn and to give off bad users, to check that good use of the list is made, to attempt to divulge the list, to define the policy of access to the files of the list.

REFERENCE http://www.reference.com/ 
TILE-NET http://tile.net/listserv/ 
NEOSOFT http://www.neosoft.com/internet/paml/indexes.html 
LISTZ http://www.liszt.com/ 
MAILING LIST AOL http://www.idot.aol.com/mld/production/ 
CATALIST http://www.lsoft.com/lists/listref.html 
INTERLINKS http://www.nova.edu/Inter-Links/cgi-bin/lists 
BUSCON http://www.rediris.es/list/buscon.es 

Discrepancies between Mailing Lists and Newsgroups
The first difference is the scarce control that exists on the contributions to the newsgroups. Any user can send whatever he wants to any group of newsgroups, the result can become quite distasteful. It is certain that moderate newsgroups exist, but their own philosophy is to be public groups and anyone could send messages, which cause that the moderation will be a considerable work. As opposed to the mailing lists that hinder to send messages to the forum if, the users are not subscribed.

 Advantages of Mailing Lists
The messages are received directly in the mailbox. It is not necessary to go to search the data case of applications type News and Web. Mailing Lists yet being public are always moderated and they can take actions before events disturb the forum.

 The members of mailing lists can always know who read their messages. The new Servers of mailing lists optimize the load of the user’s mailbox, with options of the style: INDEX, NOMAIL, DIGEST etc. Servers as LISTSERV, implement tools that stop and hinder the dispersion of massive messages sent to many lists. Listserv suppose that they are messages with "garbage" content and they are deleted. Servers as LISTSERV implement algorithms to optimize the international traffic.
Mailing Lists are the tool adapted for work groups, important messages, discussions or topics that the users has to read with regularity. 

Advantages of the Newsgroups
Centralized management. Historical origin of the FAQs. (Frequent asks questions.) 
The users of the news are potentially all those of Internet. 

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 RedIRIS is the Spanish academic network for research and development, founded by the National Plan for R&D (Plan Nacional de I+D), and managed by the Centro de Comunicaciones CSIC RedIRIS, which depends on the Scientific Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas). In 1988, the National Plan for R&D started a horizontal special programme -IRIS- for the interconnection of Computer Resources of universities and research centres, and until the end of 1993, this programme was managed by Fundesco. Since 1991, when the first promotion stage was finished, IRIS has become what RedIRIS actually is: the national academic and research network, founded by National Plan for R&D and nowadays managed by the Scientific Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas). About 250 institutions are nowadays connected to RedIRIS, mainly universities and R&D Centres.

 The Services offered by RedIRIS to the Spanish academic and research community, require the support of a basic infrastructure of transport technologically adapted to the requirements of the connected centres. These services are provided in collaboration with other academic networks and other international forums.

 REDIRIS: Distribution Lists Service. Purpose of the Service.
The purpose of this service is the creation of a set of electronic fora in Spanish language so that the Community can participate in academic and scientific discussions. It is designed to provide distribution lists for the Community to work in groups on subjects of general interest.

 This Service is offered using the LISTSERV of L-SOFT International Inc.'s management software. 
A distribution list is a way to quickly and effectively debate and coordinate, via electronic mail, in any group of interest. 
1. What does the distribution list service provide? 
- A distribution list at the disposal of the applicant.
- Powerful options for the list members.
- Informative messages from the manager of lists in Spanish language.
- Design of the policy of the list to suit the applicant's needs.
- Sophisticated tools to avoid unwanted messages in the list.
- Complete management of the distribution list.
- International divulging of the list.
- Optional connection of the list with Usenet newsgroups.
- Server of files related to the list.
- List files in HTML format.
- Some Web pages in RedIRIS to coordinate the groups related to the lists. Technical support to solve any problem.
2. Subjects to request a distribution list:
It is essential that requested lists have a subject of interest for the Community (Biology, Physics, Geography, Libraries, Economy, Law, Philosophy etc). Lists about general contents will have priority over the lists about specific contents. 

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 The purpose of this list is the communication among the professionals who work in the field of the Radiology and Diagnosis by the Image. Not only Spanish Radiologists of the Spanish Society of Radiology (SERAM), but all those that working in Spanish-speaking countries want to participate in this forum. It is also opened to all the physicians or professionals of the health that work, study or investigate this area of the medicine.

 The matters of discussion, debate, consult, help... are all those that members want to express freely, always within the area of the medical diagnosis by images, with respect for the basic etiquette procedures in Internet (netetiquette) and with the only restriction of not to accomplish commercial advertising.

 The topics related to radiology, mammography, ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance, interventional radiology... in all their facets: clinical, organizational, educational and research, have content in this communication forum. Their organization is decentralized and not hiarchically organized.

 The opinion of any participant is very valuable; it is requested the participation with opinions or answers, to the doubts of other companions, indicating that the quality and the value of a distribution list is in hands, exclusively of their subscribers.

 The predominance of the English language in Internet and in the medical literature on the radiology, as in other medical specialities, it is overwhelming. This list seconds to the multiple attempts so that the Castilian (Spanish language) recover its important role that corresponds to it, by the relevancy of the Spanish-speaking radiology professionals in the international context of the medical diagnosis. The distribution of the Radiologia List is transacted by RedIRIS, the moderator or owner of the list authorizes the registration and the messages, that are sent to it are not filtered and only the members from the list receive them.

 A "subscription request" that serves as a means of acceptance of the procedures of the list and as authentication of the subscriber. (Name - surnames, medical speciality, hospital or clinic, city - country, email.) These data, as well as the files of the messages are private of access to the members of the list. 

The accepted language is the Spanish, this lists accepts the participants who present defects in their communication, as Spanish is not their first language.

 At present 170 people form that list, largely Spanish radiologists, but also other medical professionals participate; the list continues being extended to the participation of other Spanish speaking countries Although the Radiologia Mailing List has been recently created, less than a year, it is in an expansion and adjustment process at the present time. There is an acceptable participation level, the list avoids being a dialogue between two or three participants, and the list stimulates the dialogue of all the members. The quality of the messages is high and the future is promising. 

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 1. Elliott SJ, Elliott RG. Internet listservers and pediatrics: newly emerging legal and clinical practice issues. Pediatrics 1996; 97(3): 399-400.

 2. De Ville KA. Internet listservers and pediatrics: newly emerging legal and clinical practice issues. Pediatrics 1996: 98: 453-4.

3. Hernandez Borges AA, Pareras LG, Jimenez A. Comparative analysis of pediatric mailing lists on the Internet. Pediatrics 1997; 100(2).

4. Kuppersmith RB, Holsinger C, Jenkins HA. The use of e-mail by Otolaryngologists. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1996; 122: 921-2.

5. Meachan RB, Niederberger CS. Use of a moderated international Internet Information exchange in the study of male reproduction. Urology 1996; 48(1): 3-6.

6. Ruskin KJ, Tissot M. A new method of communication between anesthesiologists. Anesthesiology 1993; 79: 867.

7. Ruskin KJ, Kofke A, Turndorf H. The Anesthesiology discussion group: development of a method of communication between anesthesiologists. Anesth Analg 1995; 81:163-6 Tarczy-Hornoch P. NICU-Net: an electronic forum for Neonatology. Pediatrics 1996; 97(3): 398-9.

8. Documents of RedIris. http://www.rediris.es

9. L-Soft international, Inc. List Owner´s Manual for LISTSERV, version 1,8c. http://www.lsoft.com/manuals/index.html 

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Rodríguez-Recio, F.J.; García-Urbón, M.; Sanchez-Guerrero, A.; (1998). Radiologia Distribution Mailing List. Presented at INABIS '98 - 5th Internet World Congress on Biomedical Sciences at McMaster University, Canada, Dec 7-16th. Available at URL http://www.mcmaster.ca/inabis98/biomededu/rodriguez-recio0558/index.html
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