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INABIS '98 - The Internet World Congress on Biomedical Sciences at McMaster University, Canada
Internet World Congress '98
Poster Session

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Biomedical Education Poster Session

Chair: Robert M Chandler-Burns (Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico)
Poster Session

0125 Moderating Effect of General Self-Efficacy on the Relationship Between Sensation-Seeking and Adolescent Substance Use
J.R. Baker (Department of Human Movement Studies, University of Queensland, Australia)
J.K. Yardley (Faculty of Physical Education, Recreation and Leisure Studies Brock University, Canada)
W.J. Montelpare (School of Kinesiology, Lakehead University, Canada)

AJ Nelson (Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Science, University of Guelph, Canada)
JD Brooke (Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Science, University of Guelph, Canada)
WE McIlroy (Graduate Rehabilitation Science, University of Toronto, Canada)

R.M. Chandler-Burns (Basic Sciences Division, Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon College of Medicine, Mexico)

0268 Global Hybrid Media Learning Programs for Urologists
JH Parker (Axia Health, Canada)
M.D. John D. Denstedt (Department of Urology, University of Western Ontario, Canada)
Ph.D Gregor Reid (Department of Immunology and Microbiology, University of Western Ontario, Canada)

0334 Development of a Multimedia System to Explain Down's Syndrome
A. Fernandes (Department of Science Computer, Universidade do Vale do Itajai, Brazil)
G. Silva (Department of Science Computer, Universidade do Vale do Itajai, Brasil)
R. Bastos (Department of Informatic and Statistics, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil)

0491 Web-Based Spanish Information Service for Rheumatology. Results After A Two Years' Experience.
MA. Belmonte (Rheumatology & Bioinformatics Units Hospital General, Spain)
I.. Puell (Spanish Society of Rheumatology, Collaborator and Designer, Spain)
E. Martin Mola (Rheumatology, Hospital La Paz, Spain)
L R. Arboleya (Reumatologia, Hospital Rio Carrion, Spain)

0546 Orthogate - The Rationale For An Internet Gateway Site In Orthopaedics
J.F.M. Clough (Royal Inland Hospital, Canada)
J.A.J. Van Der Bauwhede (C.A.Z.K., Groeninghe, Belgium)
C.W. Oliver (Edinburgh Orthopaedic Trauma Unit, Scotland)
M.R Schuerhoff (, Orthogate)

0558 Radiologia Distribution Mailing List
F.J. Rodr�guez-Recio (Department of Radiology, Hospital of INSALUD, Soria, Valladolid University, Spain)
M. Garc�a-Urb�n (Department of Radiology, Hospital of INSALUD, Palencia, Spain)
A. Sanchez-Guerrero (Department of Radiology, Hospital 12 of October, Madrid, Spain)

0744 The Nebraska Pathology In The Gross Lab Project
J. Cannella (Department of Internal Medicine, University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA)
R. Binhammer (Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA)
W. Metcalf (Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA)
J. Newland (Department of Pathology and Microbiology, University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA)
G. Todd (Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA)
J. Sharp (Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA)

0840 Primary Care Doctor�s Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Generic Drugs in Malaga (Spain).
F Martos Crespo (Dep. Pharmacology and Clinical Therapeutics, University School of Medicine, Spain)
AJ Garcia Ruiz (Dep. Pharmacology and Clinical Therapeutics, University School of Medicine, Spain)
F Leiva Fernandez (Family Medicine Teaching Unit, Spain)
JD Prados Torres (Family Medicine Teaching Unit, Spain)
AC Montesinos Galvez (Hopistal Regionnal Carlos Haya, Spain)
MC Garcia Ruiz (Family Medicina Practitionner, Spain)
F Sanchez de la Cuesta (Dep. Pharmacology and Clinical Therapeutics, University School of Medicine, Spain)

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